
Based in city of Brussels, Belgium, Hooman Jalidi is a visual artist who effortlessly explores the realms of photography and videography, a devoted student of the lens, and a steadfast weaver of artistic narratives. With an insatiable appetite for storytelling and a modest proficiency in melding diverse mediums, he delicately traverses the boundaries of photography, videography, and visual art. Through his humble creations, he seeks to transcend the ordinary, inviting viewers into a tapestry of ethereal landscapes and heartfelt moments. With each stroke of his artistic brush, he endeavors to harmonize color, light, and composition, he aspires to breathe life into imagination and redefine the essence of visual expression.





Next Generation, Please! 2017-2018 | Bozar Brussels-Belgium

Art Book Fair 2017 | WIELS | Brussels-Belgium

Open design course 2018 | Kask | Gent-Belgium

“this being human is a guest house” 2019 |Cinemaximilian | Brussels-Belgium

Open design course 2019 | Kask | Gent-Belgium